
Support the 美国心脏协会 by making a grant from your existing Donor Advised Fund.



You can make a grant from your existing donor advised fund to make a difference on a future free of cardiovascular disease and stroke today.

捐助者建议基金, 或者是, is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about. 当你投入现金时, 证券, 或其他资产到捐赠者建议基金, 一般来说,你有资格立即获得税收减免. 然后,这些资金可以用于投资,实现免税增长, 你可以向几乎所有符合国税局资格的公共慈善机构推荐赠款.


为您的账户注资: 建立您的捐赠者建议基金, 你做了一笔不可撤销的捐款——可以包括现金, 股票, 房地产等等.

立即获得税收减免: 当您向捐赠者建议基金捐款时, you may be eligible to claim an itemized tax deduction for federal and/or state income tax purposes. 因为捐助者建议的基金发起人是公共慈善机构, 你的捐款被认为是免税的慈善捐款. 扣除额将取决于几个因素, 包括捐赠的资产类型和你拥有它的沙巴足球体育平台. This arrangement allows you to plan your gift when it makes sense for you and to recommend grants to your favorite charitable organizations, 比如美国心脏协会, 在未来的任何时候.

个性化您的DAF帐户: 当您建立您的捐赠者建议基金帐户, 你可以用最符合你慈善目标的方式来组织它. You can name your donor advised fund anything you would like; appoint friends and family members to help you manage the responsibilities of your DAF; and design a legacy plan to determine what will be done with your DAF assets beyond your lifetime, 其中可能包括指定继承人顾问或慈善受益人.

投资您的DAF资产以实现增长: You can recommend an investment strategy for the assets in your donor advised fund account. 您DAF中的资产按照您的建议进行投资. 任何投资增长都是免税的, 让你有潜力为资助创造更多的钱.

支持你最喜欢的慈善机构,现在或将来: 一旦你的捐助者建议基金成立和资助, 你可以向你最关心的慈善组织推荐赠款. You can make single or recurring grants, either with recognition or with total anonymity.

现在就用你的钱做一件礼物吧: 捐助者可以在任何时候向合格的美国资助机构推荐赠款.S. 慈善机构. Typically, a grant check accompanying a letter will be sent to the recipient organization. The letter is personalized per the donor’s instructions and can also have a special purpose noted, 比如" In honor of "或" In memory of…".

创造一份遗产礼物: The final distribution of contributions remaining in your donor advised fund after your lifetime can be designated when you create or update your fund. 只需填写分配给您基金的受益人指定表格, you can name successor advisors to your fund or a specific charity(ies) to receive a portion of your fund balance.




访问您的捐款人建议基金. Conveniently sign into your existing Donor Advised Fund account to initiate your gift to the 美国心脏协会.

The links provided below are for convenience only and are not intended as an endorsement of any products or services.


有些人有一种强烈的召唤,让人无法忽视. 在里士满, 弗吉尼亚人埃里克·爱德华兹, 那是一种帮助他人的召唤,并对医学领域产生了一种莫名的吸引力. 在高中的时候跟随不同的医生, that calling led him to join the local rescue squad and become an EMT right out of high school while simultaneously pursuing his medical degree at Virginia Commonwealth University. 在急救医学领域工作和学习, he saw firsthand how crucial 心肺复苏 and urgent medication delivery methods are in the chain of survival.

Not only did this realization motivate Eric to become a 心肺复苏 instructor educating those in his community, it also spurred a brief hiatus from medical school where he teamed up with his twin brother to launch a pharmaceutical company that went on to invent an epinephrine injection device for the treatment of allergic emergencies (anaphylaxis) as well as an emergency injector to treat a person who has overdosed on opiates. Eric went on to not only finish medical school but also obtain his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, all while continuing to ride on the ambulance and support in training other advanced life support providers as a medical director.

在他作为第一响应者的时候, 埃里克接触到了最脆弱的病人,他们需要救命护理, and he frequently encountered people with uncontrolled blood pressure and other health challenges that stemmed directly from inequities in access to healthcare. 除了他在职业生涯中遇到的健康差异之外, Eric and wife Autumn were both touched by heart disease in their own close circles of family and friends. 他们的父亲都很痛苦, 然后从, massive heart attacks and their world was rocked when a close friend and employee of their then company died on a business trip from sudden cardiac arrest. “当这是私人的事情,发生在你所爱的人身上时,”埃里克说,“情况就不同了. 它让一切变得真实.”

When just a few years ago they were approached to get more involved with the AHA in Richmond, Eric heeded the calling to help others was once again and he came to Autumn with the opportunity. Despite initial hesitations based on their impossibly busy schedules as working parents of three teens, 秋天在船上. “不,这根本不是一个选择,”她说. “我们觉得美国心脏协会的工作非常重要,这是一个完美的时机.两人头朝下扑了进去, making a substantial three-year corporate gift from Eric’s current medication manufacturing company that focused on blood pressure education in the community. The couple then stepped up as chairs of the 2022 Richmond Heart Ball and wanted to ensure they were leading their community by example. “我们想扮演一个重要的角色,”他们说. And so they began to explore various options to make a personal contribution to the campaign as well. When their financial advisor floated the concept of a DAF – a Donor Advised Fund – they were unfamiliar but intrigued. “有很多很好的理由可以考虑通过DAF进行捐赠,”埃里克说. 除了税收优惠, 他们喜欢通过DAF知道这一点, 他们的天赋将被投资,并随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移而增加. “What better way to show our commitment to a cause we really believe in than through a process that allows our contribution to grow above and beyond the initial investment.” They also were particularly interested in being able to advise where the funds would be used, in their case in funding research and addressing health disparities in their community.

爱德华兹夫妇表示,他们强烈建议其他人考虑通过DAF进行捐赠. “这个过程很容易做到, 无缝的, 这是一种独特的方式,比单一的礼物产生更大的影响.”




  • 现金
  • 赞赏证券
  • 退休计划资产
  • 房地产


有关捐助者通知基金的更多信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或致电888-2227-5242.
